SSEHV in the UK in 2017
The first course of Sathya Sai Education in Human Values (SSEHV) programme in the UK has been completed in 2017 with the remaining modules. Part 2 of Module 2 was delivered to 35 participants at the start of the year between 14th–15th January, providing an in-depth look into the Pedagogy of SSEHV and a focus on the practical ways in which to implement the five human values of truth, love, peace, right conduct and nonviolence.
Through lectures and workshops the inner significance and objectives of storytelling, inspirational quotations, silent sitting and meditation, group singing, as well as group activities was conveyed, together with practical examples on how these methods can support the awakening of the inherent human values, and how to transform them into action to help develop a harmonious personality.
This then made way for Module 3 which was delivered between 1st–2nd April, with the main focus on the Core Tenets of SSEHV (Unity of Head, Heart and Hand, Unity in Diversity, Unity of Faiths and Ceiling on Desires) and how to implement these. It also covered additional topics like selfless service and service projects and introduced the five Human Values from the perspective of all the major religions, local cultures as well as educational policies.
To round-up the learning for Course 1 of the SSEHV programme, participants were given the opportunity to share their understanding of the programme content through various assignments, which took place between 20th–21st May as well as December 16th. In total, 24 participants qualified for a certificate.
Below are testimonies from the participants themselves.
“Following the 3 modules of the SSEHV training programme, I have had adequate time to delve deeper and recognise the numerous opportunities in my daily life for the practical application of the 5 Human Values. It has uplifted my spirit and motivated me to apply them in my teaching at my college. In my day-to-day work as a tutor for special needs adults, I always attempt to incorporate each Human Values as an indirect approach in teaching Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Braille. The course has positively helped me so much and made me such a confident person that I was able to give a speech on Human Values in our weekly briefing meeting, and everyone has welcomed the thought of sending love out to the environment to reduce the negativity and hatred.”
“The SSEHV programme was very well delivered –I found it both, inspirational and motivational. The Research Project provided me with a greater understanding of each of the Values and highlighted how the values clearly impacted on each other. The programme reinforced the need for daily reflection of my behaviours/attitudes and questioning of myself to see whether I am living the Values. It also brought home the necessity for 'mind control’. Overall, the programme helped me to realise the need and the importance of ‘living the Values’.”