Course 3, Module 2 in Budapest, Hungary
The program of the weekend featured Course 3: Final requirements Module 2 with 8 participants, The two-day long seminar focused on the detailed discussion of topics such as Introducing Human Values to state curriculums, Sathya Sai Human Values in communities, how to set up a human values curriculum and also practical guidance on preparing the Course 3 Project work for completing the ESSE education. The participants, most of them pedagogues, found the presentations of the instructors, Marianne Meyer, Anita Friedrich and Petra von Kalinowski very useful. According to the feedback received from the participants, the seminar provided strong further inspiration to work with the human values in their professional life, with also some stating that already during the stream of information they received clear ideas on their own topics for their Course 3 Project works. Some participants indicated that they also felt a renewal in their commitment to continue their personal transformation, while others had revelations such as the importance of increasing the amount of service done to others or the urge to become more competent in sharing Sathya Sai’s teachings on human values with the community.